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  • RECEIPT 2.0

    We created a next generation receipt

    Receipts are used by retailers, shoppers and third parties in different ways and contexts.

    The same receipt can be used for item returns, corporate expenses, insurance claims, government tax, personal expenses and other activities.

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    SIRaaS landscape

    While most companies try to improve shopper experience through introducing new and frictionless methods of payments and checkout mechanisms, we look at shopper experience holistically and we improve how shoppers can conduct their post-sale activities.

    Unlike paper and digital receipts, SIRaaS equips shoppers with the ultimate control to perform actions on their receipt inner-items.

    Also, SIRaaS incentivizes shoppers to engage with retailers through their receipts in order to help retailers know more, perform better and digitally transform.

    If you are a retailer, you must issue receipts.

    -SIRaaS helps your business save money, improve shopper experience and digitally transform overnight.

    If you are a shopper, you might need to keep some receipts.

    -SIRaaS will help you save time and earn points.

    If you are an organization, you might need to trust incoming receipts and operate on them.

    -Unlike paper and digital receipts, SIRaaS receipts can be trusted, because they are digitally signed by issuers and verified by recipients.

    -Organizations can set custom policies within their SIRaaS SaaS to control who can send them SIRaaS receipts, and under what conditions.

    SIRaaS is a retail game changer, because it helps entities who issue, receive and exchange receipts in ways that no current receipt technology can.